Art in the Dark, Blacklight Art Show 2023
Application Due July 30
Submissions Due July 30
Reception Friday August 4, 5-8pm
Pick up Artwork August 26
Calling all artists who work with glow-in-the-dark paint and black light. We are curating a black light and glow-in-the-dark art show in the Concrete Gallery at the Art Department. Submissions must have a glow-in-the-dark or black light element. The artwork will be shown with lights dimmed and guests will use blacklight flashlights to reveal glowing elements.
All work must be ready to hang with appropriate wire hardware to be accepted. Print your name on the back of your artwork along with the title of your piece. Only one piece may be submitted per person, unless approved by the Art Department.
There is no jury fee and no jury, however art must be family-friendly and not promote substance use. The Art Department has complete editorial discretion for the show.
To apply, please fill out this application.