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In-store Hours Tues-Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun Noon - 5pm, Online Open All of the Time
In-store Hours Tues-Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun Noon - 5pm
Oregon-based author and artist, Caroline Holm stitting under a tree in the wilds of Oregon

Woodland Pop-up Shop & Book Signing with Caroline Holm

Saturday, April 23 | 1-4pm
Concrete Gallery

We are thrilled to welcome local artist and poet Caroline Holm into the gallery to promote Woodland, her published book filled with poetry and art.  

Forty-seven pieces of illustrated poetry and prose make up the debut collection from Oregon-based author and artist, Caroline Holm. Woodland is a love letter to the natural world and a call to awe and earnestness.

"Holm's poetry gushes vitality, pressing the earth itself through her ink. There is a fantastical simplicity in it, rich with all the awe and thanks nature is owed - a great service to those of us too disembodied or too shy to properly thank the earth ourselves."
-Alex Ebert
of Alexander, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

“Caroline Holm’s Woodland is a rhapsody, a paean to nature’s beauty and power…passionate both to enter and to ingest the natural world…Like Walt Whitman, she finds grandeur in a blade of grass; she senses and celebrates what Gerard Manley Hopkins called “the dearest freshness deep down things."
-Eleanor Berry
Author of Green November, No Constant Hues and Only So Far

“…From lush to bare, the landscapes she presents us with are so intertwined with and impacted by our actions that we realize the two have always been one. Brimming with meditations deep as winter snow and boundless compassion and curiosity, these vibrant poems remain grounded in a universal familiarity that opens us up to something greater. If one of the aims of poetry is to condense our vast, contradictory, and beautiful world into the briefest of songs, Woodland stands as a testament to its possibility.”
-John Sibley Williams
Author of The Drowning House

“In Woodland, Caroline Holm deep dives into the Oregon landscape. She excavates our place in it, tracing our veins like vines into the interconnectedness between natural world and our shared humanity…”
-Marc Janssen
Author, Salem Poetry Project coordinator and Oregon Poet Laureate Nominee

“In Woodland, Caroline Holm writes a praise song to wildness…she urges us to exalt in the earth."
-Kate Gray
PNW Author, poet and writing coach


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