Kitakata Paper 03400
Kitakata is composed mostly of Philippine gampi fiber and exudes a warm natural tone. Do not be fooled by imitations - this is the one and original Awagami Kitakata. Kitakata's resilience makes it a worldwide favorite paper for printmaking, drawing, mixed-media, book-arts and alternative photography. Although listed as "unsized", Kitakata's gampi fibers exhibit natural sizing-like characteristics thus requiring no additional sizing.
17" x 20.5", 36 gsm
material: 90% Philippine Gampi / 10% Alpha Cellulose (Unsized)
ph: 6 to 7
use: Printmaking, drawing, alt. pro photography, mixed-media, encaustic, collage, book arts
For in-store and curbside purchase only. Not available for shipping.